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Exhibition Space Dimension

  • Total dimension (Gross Space): 11,088㎡ (last year: 10,368㎡, ▲6.9% increase)

Number of Participating Companies

  • 577 booths, 273 companies from 24 countries
    (Korean companies: 391 booths / foreign companies: 186 booths)

    (Last year- 554 booths, 254 companies from 24 countries
    (Korean companies: 364 booths/ Foreign companies: 90 booths) ▲7.5% increase)

Number of Visitors

  • A total of 50,730 visitors (Korean: 50,121 / Foreigner: 609)
    (Last year: 48,533 persons (Korean: 47,962, Foreigner: 571) ▲4.5% increase

    Number of public service officers visited the exhibition: 1,147 persons
    (increase ▲ 777 persons compared with last year)

Comparison by the Year (recent 3 years)

Year Number
Participating Companies Visitors
Sub - total Domestic Foreign Sub - total Domestic Foreign
2009 24 273 182 91 50,730 50,121 609
2008 24 254 161 93 48,533 47962 571
2007 23 255 159 96 48,359 47,801 558

Amount of trading meeting value and contract amount

  • Amount of trading meeting value: KRW 408.5 billion
    (last year - KRW 390 billion) for last 3 years

    Contract amount: KRW 151.4 billion
    (last year - KRW 125 billion) for last 3 years

  • 유투브